The Washington Family

Nick's First Day of Middle School  August 25, 2008

This morning John, Ryan and I put Nick on the bus headed to Landstuhl Middle School. What a scary moment this is for me! Now, for most of you that know me, Nick and I have been together for the last 5 years when it comes to school. He has attended the same school where I taught kindergarten. We got up in the mornings together, got dressed together, ate breakfast together, rode to school together, attended the same school all day together, and rode home together. This was a child who if he had a headache would come to my room for tylenol. When he needed lunch money, he came to my room. When he was hurt, he came to my room. If a teacher needed me to intervene, I was there.

Now, to put him on a bus to a school where I know nothing and no one was extremely difficult and terrifying. Yep, I feel "out of control"!!!

Letting go of your first born is so difficult! Like my good friend Hall told me, letting go for middle school is so much harder than letting go for kindergarten. In kindergarten, he still needed and wanted me. Now, he is pushing away and wanting to be independent. I am not sure if I can handle it. God, please help me!