The Washington Family

Our Family

We have been married for 13 years and have two wonderful sons, Nick (12) and Ryan (5). We are stationed at Ramstein AB in Germany. We live in a little town called Spesbach. It is a small village right outside of the air base filled with Americans. John works for AFETS as a government civilian. He is assigned to the 1st Combat Comm. I have finished my masters degree in Elementary Education K-8 and I'm looking forward to getting back into the classroom. I am actively involved with Ramstein Elementary School as the PTA Treasurer. Ryan is in Kindergarten at RES and loves every minute of it! He has grown so much!   Nick is attending Ramstein Middle School and is growing into that typical preteen! Lord help us all! :) God has taken care of my mom for me and is keeping her really busy. I thank him every day for holding her up!! God is great and he is watching after us every step of the way! Keep checking back to see pictures of all our journeys. We love and miss everyone we have left behind!!

Love From Germany,

John, Victoria, Nick & Ryan