The Washington Family

Easter Egg Market  March 22, 2009

Today we drove about 1 1/2 northeast and visited the Ostereiermärkte (Easter Egg Market) in Michelstadt Germany. The German Easter egg market season begins 40 days before Easter. Collector's show off and sell gifts, small eggs, big ostrich eggs, egg-shaped semi-precious stones, and glass-bead decorated eggs.

We were so excited that our new friends Mac, Amy, Noah and Hannah could join us for this experience. Mac and John were actually stationed at Robins AFB together and Mac was in John's NLC classes when he was teaching several years ago. We ran into them a couple of weekends before at a Spring Bazaar. It is such a small world!

Nick chose a jade marble egg to begin his collection while Ryan chose a white quartz marble egg to begin his. Our favorite eggs were the hand dyed ones. At the table where we bought our eggs, the little old German couple was sitting behind the table hand etching the eggs with a razor blade. It was the coolest thing to watch that much talent in a little old ladies hands. They were the sweetest little couple.

Afterwards, we walked down the street to a little Italian bistro to have lunch. It was so yummy! This is where you will see pics of our friends Mac, Amy and the kids. The funniest part of lunch was the flirting between Amy and our waiter/owner. You could tell he had a little school boy crush on her. And I promise I am not about to hit my husband. I was really just flicking my hair back. Not that I wouldn't hit him. lol But I didn't!

The drive out and back to our house was beautiful and filled with rolling country side. Now if everything would just bloom, it would really feel like Easter!